“For us it is an enormous joy to receive this donation today and even more so coming from a Canarian producer, because it is very important that we are supported in these difficult conditions that the entire Canarian, Spanish, European society and, in general, of the the whole world, because a situation as critical as the current one has never been experienced before ”.
“We feel supported because the business community and the Canarian citizenry in general have given us their support to help so many disadvantaged people.”
“Society supports us and gives us strength, although it is true that the number of disadvantaged people has increased notably, but with the support of all, we are moving forward
“We are managers of the donations that we receive and that in turn we send them to the most disadvantaged through the distribution units, which are those who have direct contact with them.”
“For us it is a joy considering that Canarian cheese has been awarded even outside of our country and means being able to put a touch of flavor on the table of our beneficiaries.”
“We closed on June 30 with 28,152 beneficiaries, it is a high number, almost 40% more than what is usually usual.”
“We have food and when we have received donations in cash we have transformed them into food, especially in those products in which we may have a greater risk of out of stock.”
“We justify all purchases and donations with the generation of invoices so that our donors can see at all times where their donations have been destined.”
“During confinement we had to face the handicap of social distance, not being able to go to supermarkets to make the traditional food collections. It will be replaced as far as possible in the next big collection by a virtual collection instead of a physical one ”.